Lò nướng đối lưu TURBOFAN E23D3

Mã sản phẩm: 23D3


Loại: Equipment

Nhà cung cấp: Moffat

This new 230-240V plug-in utility oven is a convection oven in its simplest form and, with a smaller footprint 24" width, is completely portable and ideal for countertop use. This allows for baking of morning and convenience foods such as cookies, muffins, Danish pastries, biscotti, breads, cakes, baked potatoes, frozen pizzas and many other snack and takeout foods. Smart design, 1.5kw of plug-in performance and a single direction fan makes this the easiest oven to use across a wide range of applications.


W: 610mm D: 642mm H: 607mm
Volume: 0.34m3
Packed Weight: 54.6kg

Product Features

  • 3 x 460mm x 330mm / 18" x 13" half size
  • sheet pan capacity
  • 3 x GN 2/3 pan capacity
  • 85mm tray spacing
  • Compact 610mm width
  • Digital display Time and Temperature controls
  • Large easy view _" / 20mm high displays
  • Electronic thermostat control
  • 2.8kW heating power
  • 15A plug-in cordset fitted
  • Safe-Touch vented drop down door
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